Addon: Bone Widget

Holy moly, i was hoping for something this cool for some time, I’m glad someone thought of the same, and did it, and It seems pretty wel thought off.

This addon is a set of tools for easily creating, symmetrizing and editing shape of your armature’s bones.

Even though coming from other software where the rigging is cumbers0me even for simple rigs, this part in blender happens to be a bit out of control, you get to the point where you get it, but it takes time.

This addon, helps you not only solve that, but makes you more productive and faster and makes actually creating shapes for your rigs a ton of fun.

Kudos for mr Cristophe SEUX!

Go grab it and get shapin’!

13 thoughts on “Addon: Bone Widget

    1. hey, i contacted him and he gave me the new location of the addon which I updated on the post!, Cheers!


  1. I greatly miss this addon since I’ve switched to Blender 2.8. It’s one of the indispensables. The new 2.8 beta is solid but custom shapes for bones is still annoying.. Is there any chance this tool will show up in the roster?


      1. Bassam’s version doesn’t even load. The other one is totally kaput… Guess Christophe updated his addon for a beta version, but they kept changing the API all the way up to the final release and looks like he never touched it since… This is such a pity. So many of the addons I used are gone 😦


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